How To Properly Handle The Sheep Panel After Rusting?

Oct. 11, 2018

The use of the Sheep Panel on the grassland not only saves effort but also protects the safety of the animals. However, the ordinary Sheep Panel will rust after using it for a period of time. How should the Sheep Panel be properly handled after rusting? The herdsmen who have used the Sheep Panel generally have this idea and found the surface of the SHEP Panel. After the rust appeared, I didn't take it for granted. I didn't deal with the rust in time. I want to replace the new Sheep Panel in a few years and I don't need to repair it.

The Sheep Panel Factory reminds everyone that there is no such thing as a similar phenomenon. Otherwise, it is easy to cause accelerated damage to the product, which leads many people to say that the product has been broken after several years of use. The main cause of rust is the frequent sun and rain and long-term use, which will definitely derust and rust. Especially in the humid environment of the south, the acidity in the rain is more likely to cause impact. We are using During the process, it should be checked frequently. If rust is found, it should be sanded and then sprayed, so that it can prevent contact with the outside air, reduce the degree of oxidation, and greatly improve the service life.

We are Sheep Panel Supplier, if you have any questions you would like to know, you can contact us.

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